Human Rights Web Site Hacked After Defending U.S. Freedom of Religion for Muslim Americans

The volunteer human rights group Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L) has a long history of supporting our universal human rights and challenging those issues where such human rights have been denied.

R.E.A.L. has led a number of causes where it challenged human rights abuses:
— challenging those promoting racist views and those denigrating people based on their race
— challenging those promoting misogynist views, hatred, and violence against women, including challenging those defending stoning against women
— challenging those promoting anti-Semitism, Holocaust Denial, attacks on synagogues, and hate views in support of Neo-Nazism
— challenging those seeking to attack Christian churches and deny their religious freedom around the world
— challenging those seeking to attack Hindu temples, Buddhist temples, and Muslim mosques of all sects of Islam, and challenging those seeking to deny religious freedom
— challenging those seeking to use religious supremacist views to deny universal human rights to others or to promote violence or terrorism
— challenging the totalitarian regimes and abuses against human liberty in Communist China, North Korea, and Vietnam
— challenging those defending the architects of genocide in Sudan
— challenging the rape and oppression of women in the Congo
— challenging the Iranian government to grant freedom to its people
— challenging nations and organizations in the Middle East to find ways to work towards peace
— and others.

R.E.A.L.’s mission is to demonstrate that the consistent application of our universal human rights is the same root issue in all of these cases.

But while many of our challenges to those would defy such human rights have been met with resistance, threats, and controversy, for nearly 20 months our volunteer human rights web site has been unscathed, and we used numerous security tools to protect it.

During the past two months with the dramatic rise of Islamophobia and challenges to freedom of religion in the United States for Muslim Americans, R.E.A.L. has also publicly stood steadfast in the support for American Constitutional rights and our universal human rights for Muslim Americans as well.

However, apparently after our position in defending such freedom of religion in the United States for Muslim Americans, determined hackers sought to damage part of our home web site in a way to shut us down and silence our efforts.   We were forced to have to disable the website – for now.

We are rebuilding now, initially at  We will find a more sophisticated way in the future to utilize the Internet that is more flexible and more impenetrable to electronic attack.

To those who may have thought this attack on our web site would discourage us, we thank you.

If ever we were discouraged or found it difficult to be consistent in human rights when it was unpopular, we are grateful for your efforts to try to silence us.

Nothing could have made us more determined in our human rights mission.

The lesson you taught us was how important our work really is, and the necessity of having Real Courage. We are not afraid.

Our message to the hackers and to those who reject our universal human rights is still an outstretched hand, not an upraised fist.  Our human rights are YOUR human rights.  When you attack us, you attack those who also defend YOUR human rights as well.

We urge you, as we urge all to Choose Love, Not Hate – Love Wins.

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